Tuesday 24 March 2015

Happy birthday to me!


Things looked fairly pleasant at the 'quarter of a century' point in my life; a little complicated but nothing I could not handle (with the help of some wine and friends). Yet 11 months later I'm doubting my self and this ideology I had clung on to so tightly. 

Has the past year been fruitful?

This 'new year's resolution' feeling, combined with; 'I've grown a year older' sort of revelation totally SUCKS!

That phrase on its own highlights my maturity and the fact that I've grown so much in the past 11 months ...NOT!

Once again the 13 year old teenager in me seems to be alive today!

This immaturity is at times highlighted during dinner or lunch when I meet new people and I am suddenly gobsmacked by the fact that they are my age and have :

A) accomplished so much more in their 25 years on this planet


B) Just act so God damn mature!

                                  So what is a girl/ woman/ lady/ mature person to do?

The answer to this mind bobbling question is simple- This
girl/ woman/ lady/ mature person will celebrate her 26 as she did her 21st.

And that ladies and gentlemen is a themed party!

Which includes getting drunk and enjoying this yearly celebration with good friends!

I will try my best to remember what happened and if not then as previous years have shown...it was an awesome party!!!  

Happy birthday to me! 


Tuesday 24 February 2015

I am from Barcelona

Rejection is one emotion I really cannot handle.

I feel like a cassette tape stuck, in a stereo, getting all tangled up! I feel my face getting red; I constantly touch my nose, I become aware of my arms and ironically forget what the hell I'm meant to do with them and then laugh like hyena the instant I realize I'm being rejected.

I am the person who claims i adapt to change.

I state that no plan is fixed and it can be altered to suit ones needs.

Yet as soon as someone closes the door in my face, a few tears(and alcoholic beverages) need to come down in order for me to get over it. 

Then at some point in time I remember that if this door slammed in my face hopefully the next one will be opened.

All this reminds me of my dad and his John Cleese story; the script writer of the famous Faulty Towers. It is interesting to note that everyone told him that the script was a bunch of crap and that it would never be successful. We can all agree that they were truly mistaken and Faulty Towers went on to become one of the most famous British comedic series.

Thus although cliche in tough times i should remind myself that everything happens for a reason!

So Cheer up Pinky and watch some Faulty Towers!!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Sex and the city

Oh my god! My last post was in April...which is a shame really because a whole summer went by and neither Brain nor myself bothered to draft anything up. And when university started again my mind started wandering, ' If a->b, i.e If I can write an assignment then I can write a blog'.

All this came to be thanks to my new hobby; watching Sex and the city. What previously seemed like a tacky series that I would never consider watching has now become my bedtime story. How can things change so rapidly? Is it because I have now reached the quarter of a century of life? Do I relate to these four women? Did Carrie and her column inspire me to start my blog again?

I have been in a steady relationship for a little bit 'more than 2 weeks' so the relationships so far (I'm in season 3) have nothing in common what so ever with my very own Mr Big. Then again I do have a special relationship with Marlborough Lights.If I thought my 20's are complex then life in my 30's must be even worse. But then again life is really not that bad, I do not own a pair of Jimmy Choo's but I do have a growing IronFist collection.

Another thing about Sex and the city is that it got me thinking...(not that that has ever been an issue) but I now think in a column kind of way. I analyse; how people think, if I am the only one with these issues, if there is actually a pattern to all of these crazy things going on.

Will my blog take this kind of style? I do not know...

Well i guess like typical series style its to be continued...

Friday 4 April 2014

New year and all that new me crap!

So the first quarter of the year is almost over...and resolutions are down the drain!

Resolution 1. Smoking kills so smoke less.
I tackled this by using my pretty denim roll up pouch, which i filled with rolling paper, tobacco and filters. Tiny problem forgot to add 'Maintain pouch' in the resolution list thus I ended up with no rolling paper, did not bother to go buy and I was back to my pre-rolled chemical induced cigarettes. (I also found I missed the extra dose of nicotine these babies pack).

Resolution 2. Living on my own and being responsible.
So...I now have to think about food that needs to be cooked, laundry that needs to be done and floors that need cleaning. I also found that living on my own gives me ample time for Gin and tonic in between which I try to sweep the floor and wipe the shelves. I have now made an effort to sort out the laundry in colours and whites! I also cleaned one (very big) window (hi5 for me) and our menu has included delicious soups and pastas. The problem with this resolution is finding the time to do the cleaning as well as the motivation to cook or do any chores in general. I simply can't ignore this resolution as living in a dump is not an option. So bring on that cleaning motivation ...and more Gin and tonics ...in half pint glasses!

P.S Cigarettes are bad and so is excessive drinking!

Sunday 10 November 2013

The Power of Hugs

When was the last time that you gave a hug? Most probably you forgot the last time you hugged someone!


I have realised that when giving a hug one gets a lot of positive energy and one shouldn’t be afraid of giving hugs more often.


Research shows that hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness, isolation and anger. Apart from that hugs strengthen the immune system, the gentle pressure and the emotional charge a hug creates activates one of our Chakra’s which stimulates the thymus gland – which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells.

Furthermore a hug teaches us how to give and receive, it educates us how love flows both ways.


Like meditation, hugs teach us how to be in the present moment, how to appreciate one another  and how to connect with your heart and your feelings!  


Virgina Satir once said “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”


If maybe 12 hugs a day seem impossible, even one hug a day will make a big difference. So stop what you are doing and go give a hug to someone you love, and show that you appreciate them in your life.


Thursday 24 October 2013

Back to School blues

One fine day I decided that having a BA in Philosophy was as useful as a bikini in the North Pole. I do not want to sound like a pessimistic brat; after all I was the one who chose this subject to study. But coming from a little island in the middle of the Mediterranean- where half the people have no clue what philosophy is, my degree is not considered as something important. (The Maltese are more interested in lawyers, doctors and teachers graduating).

During one of my epiphamatic(another word that should be added to the Oxford dictionary) moments in my life I decided to do a masters! In what was another dilemma. So I started asking around, looking online and it is there that I decided to combine my philosophical background with the business world. And this October I started my MA in Business Ethics. Obviously Brain decided to join me in my academic adventure; we applied and waited for our acceptance letter. Which as everything on this island took a while, and in fact two days before starting the course we got approved to start!

The journey started with a mass, and may I emphasise that I am not the religious type. But it was sweet, I have to admit that the Theology Faculty made us feel welcome, everyone came over to introduce them selves and they even organised some nibbles and drinks which completely won me over! 

So Pinky and the Brain are now on a new adventure! And the challenging part is sitting down and typing an assignment! Writing the blog is so much easier! I felt that my writing skills flew out of the window! I have become such a perfectionist in what I write. My press release experience has influenced me in bad way as now I'm writing short and straight to the point. Working on a computer 8 hours a day make me feel less keen to just sit down and start typing! My philosophical writing style is in hibernation and it seriously needs to make a move because my deadline is next Tuesday!

Therefore I decided to use my assignment block to write a blog instead :) 

Hopefully tonight might be a little bit easier...if not tonight we have tomorrow...damn it that's Friday!! Well some way or another we'll finish it!

But one day...we'll take over the world...with a MA in Business Ethics while wearing Louboutins!!

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Monday 9 September 2013

It can always be worse!

One of life's lessons was taught to me by my dad and I will treasure it as it will help me through life without over stressing my brain.

I am a chatter box! I have been and I will always be a chatter box. (Well they do say that the first step is admitting you have a problem). A little while back I discovered the art of shutting up, the fact that I do not fit in everywhere and I am not the most interesting person in the room. 

This has lead me to widen my knowledge, grow different relationships and led me to realize that it is better to be a chatter box people love, rather than one they avoid.

Also I have come to the conclusion that it is possible to out shine my chatterboxness (I found it necessary to invent a word to discuss my syndrome). I am proud to say that I no longer hold the title of World's Top Chatter Box; I have dropped down drastically on the "Top10 Chatterboxes" list and I no longer have a 2 page spread on the "Headache Weekly".

I have discovered that 'It can always be worse!'. My dad was right! 

Take my chatterboxness (used it twice maybe it will be added to the Oxford dictionary. Did you hear they added Twerk recently?) I am no longer at the top of my game, I am not the most chatty person in the world, thus it can always be worse!!!

This can be applied to any situation. For example; 
  • My blondness- I am by far not the blondest person in the world.
  • My bad Monday - Some people might have had a worse Monday than myself
  • My moaning- There may be someone that moans more than me!
  • 'I'm so fat' days- Have you watched Too Fat for 16 lately?
So there I have proved that Yes it can always be worse!

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